About Me

When it comes to art, there are no limits. From digital drawings to crocheting, I love art and it's many forms and mediums. Creativity is such a gift, and I'm grateful for the many ways we as humans get to express it.

I'm currently a full time student studying psychology at the University of South Carolina. College has taught me a lot about myself, including my love and passion for art and creativity. Because of this, I recently took on a Studio Arts minor in hopes that it will contribute to my future plans of pursuing a career in the arts field. 

I love drawing (digitally and traditionally), photography, crocheting, writing, and painting, especially when done in group settings. I love to work with people, and I believe that only the best of art results from a multitude of minds working together. It also provides good opportunities to learn from others. 

My hope is that this portfolio showcases my overall ability to create and design. While I may not have honed in on one specific form or field of art, my hope is that someone will see potential in my work and allow me a chance to work for them, thus blossoming my path. My current course of interest is Graphic Design because I've always had a love for design, and I enjoy the idea of using it to help businesses build strong visual brands.